Davido Digital Solutions

Sample of School Rules and Regulations

These rules are expected to guide the students in their day to day activities, help them develop suitable interpersonal relations and enable them socialize positively. Read and understand them. Obey them at all times for your own benefit and that of the entire school community.

A. Personal Presentation and Cleanliness.

1. Always be in the official school uniforms while at school. During games time, change into the games kits.

2. Uniforms must be kept neat and be carefully mended at all times. Buttons must be in place and buttoned up.

3. Shoes should be polished and laced. At no time shall sleepers and sandals be allowed during class hours.

4. The hair must always be tidy and combed backwards. Use of chemicals on hair in school is prohibited.

5. Only black hair bands should be used.

6. Toilets should be properly used and kept clean at all times.

7. Official language of communication is English. Slang (sheng) and other colloquial language is outlawed.

B. Attendance to School, Lessons and Activities.

1. Punctuality must be observed, lateness will not be tolerated. Promptness on opening days must be observed.

2. Opening days and closing days are compulsory for all students.

3. Truancy is a serious offence and can result to expulsion.

4. Exemption from games will only be allowed on a recommendation by a qualified practicing medical doctor.

C. Sickness and Leave Out

1. The School will provide limited medical care for mild ailments, headaches and stomach upsets.

2. Any serious ailments will be referred to the government hospital or to any hospital of the parent’s choice.

3. Any case beyond the government district hospital must be handled by the parents/guardians.

4. If a student fails to report to school due to sickness, the school must be informed immediately. The student must produce a doctor’s treatment sheet when she reports back.

D. Alcohol and Other Drugs of Abuse

1. Students are warned against taking alcohol or other drugs of abuse in or away from school.

2. Any case that may come to the schools knowledge will result in expulsion without warning.

E. Visitors

We do not have visiting days. Any parent who in future wishes to consult anything about a student will be required to do so from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

F. General.

1. Meals will be taken at the designated place and no food shall be taken to the classroom or dormitories.

2. No food stuffs should be brought to school except: - Drinking chocolate, Sugar and blue band. 3. Plates and spoons should be handled with hygienically.

4. You must take care of all your personal, other classmates' and school property. The cost of any loss or damage will be charged to the individual.

5. All classrooms and science rooms must be kept thoroughly clean. Dumping of litter in the compound is prohibited.

6. No student will be allowed to tamper with electricity or electronic gadgets.

7. Computers will be used under supervision and only with instructions.

8. The kitchen shall be out of bounds to all students.

9. No visitor whatsoever should be taken to the dormitories or classrooms.

10. Students are not allowed to have civilian clothes within the school.

11. No student is allowed in the library without a teacher or library prefect.

G. Worship

1. All students must attend and participate in the schools organized worship Programmes.

2. While we will respect other people’s religions, we will not allow extraneous practices.

H. Discipline

1. Students should maintain high discipline and obedience to authorities including subordinate staff and prefects.

2. Any cases of indiscipline i.e. Theft, use of vulgar language and bulling others may result to suspension and/or expulsion without warning.

Declaration by Student

I............................................................. have read and understood the school rules and I promise to work hard in my studies and promote the good name of the school. I promise to obey the school authority and in case of any problem I will use the legal channel to air my grievances.

Signature of student.......................

Declaration by Parent

I …………………………………….. have read and understood the school rules and regulations my daughter is required to abide by. I promise to encourage and give her moral support for her own good and that of the school. I will also be available when required and will accept measure taken against her in case of any offence.

Signature of parent/guardian......................... Date................................

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