Davido Digital Solutions

How to type Kikuyu on Microsoft Word ( ĩ and ũ)

How do you type kikuyu language on your keyboard?

This is how it is done.

Go to your Microsoft Word and type what you want. For example, any text as below see below
Wenda kuona wega thi ino nyitana na maituguo. We nionete maingi thi ino na gutiri hindi angienda wone uru. Reke ciugo ciake ituke ta cia munene wa thigari kuri we. Na weka uguo niugutura wikenagira.

Then click after the letter you want to put tilde (~). For example, in the above words I have clicked after letter i on the word thi as shown below.

Wenda kuona wega thĩ ĩno nyitana na maitũguo. We nionete maingĩ thĩ ĩno na gũtirĩ hĩndĩ angĩenda wone ũru. Reke ciugo ciake ituĩke ta cia mũnene wa thigari kũri we. Na weka ũguo nĩũgũtũra wĩkenagĩra.

Then go to insert tab and proceed to symbols. Click symbol, then more symbols and you will get the below menu.

Click the tilde (~) symbol. You will note the i changes to ĩ, to insert tilde on other letters that contain ĩ and ũ, you just go to symbol and once you click it you will find tilde on the recently used symbols as shown below.

That is how you type kikuyu using keyboard on Word.
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Davido Digital Solutions