Davido Digital Solutions

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Cloud is a large group of interconnected computers.

These computers can be;

1. Personal computers or network servers;

2. Public or private.

Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet and remote servers to maintain data and applications.

Advantages Cloud computing

1. Lower-Cost Computers for Users

2. Improved Performance

3. Lower IT Infrastructure Costs

4. Fewer Maintenance Issues

5. Lower Software Costs

6. Instant Software Updates

7. Increased Computing Power

8. Unlimited Storage Capacity

9. Increased Data Safety

10. Easier Group Collaboration

11. Universal Access to Documents

Disadvantages Cloud Computing

1. Requires a Constant Internet Connection

2. Doesn’t Work Well with Low-Speed Connections

3. Features Might Be Limited

4. Stored Data Might Not Be Secure.

5. Problem will arise If Data loss or breach occurs.

Cloud Computing Services

1. Software as a Service (SaaS)

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Software as a Service is a situation in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over internet.

as a Service  provides a platform and environment to allow developers to build applications and services. This service is hosted in the cloud and accessed by the users via internet.

as a Service  provides access to computing resources in a virtual environment “the cloud” on internet like virtual server space, network connections, bandwidth and IP addresses.

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Davido Digital Solutions