Davido Digital Solutions

Social Media Best Practices

1. Take time to understand and activate privacy settings. You can control who has access to your biographical and contact information, as well as your messages, updates, check-ins, photos, and videos.

2. Be cautious of people you don’t know. Some users may want to scam or take advantage of you. Be extremely careful when sharing personal information.

3. If you have children, make sure to monitor their social media use. Teach them about staying safe and protecting their privacy. Several digital tools exist to limit or monitor kids’ digital activity

4. Be mindful about what you post. Ask yourself if you’d be comfortable with your family, employers, or colleagues reading your latest update or seeing your photos.

5. Choose strong passwords to make your accounts less vulnerable to potential hacking. A strong password has at least 8 characters long and made up of letters, numbers, and special characters.

Commonly used social media platforms

1) Facebook; Facebook allows people to share updates, photos, and videos. You can also use Facebook to get updates from businesses, organisations, and government agencies. It includes an instant messaging service.

2) LinkedIn; LinkedIn is primarily used to make professional connections. User profiles include work experience, education, and areas of proficiency, and many employers use LinkedIn to post job opportunities.

3) Twitter; Twitter is a micro-blogging platform where users share short “tweets” of no more than 280 characters. It can be a great place to follow breaking news stories as people post public updates. Many public figures use Twitter to communicate with fans and followers.

4) Instagram; on Instagram, users can edit and share images and short videos. Content tags (often called “hashtags” for the # sign that precedes them) allow users to filter content easily.

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Davido Digital Solutions